Prices are subject to change May 1, 2024.

Mac OSX Drivers

The latest drivers can be downloaded from:

Scroll down on the page until you get to "Download for Macintosh OSX".

Download and unzip the file

Driver Installation
Mount the DMG file and double click on Silicon Labs VCP Driver.

On MacOS X 10.13 and later, the installation of the driver may be blocked. To unblock, open the System Preferences Security & Privacy pane and unblock the system extension. See Apple Technical Note TN2459 "User-Approved Kernel Extension Loading" for more information.

For MacOS X 10.9 and 10.10, see the folder called "Legacy MacVCP Driver".

Once installation has completed you will have a new virtual serial port which can be selected in your digital mode software for PTT, CAT, and CW/FSK.

Note: The latest drivers also support MacOS Big Sur 11.
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